Statement of Colonel David Campbell of Campbells Station Concerning the Conduct of Colonel William Campbell During the Revolutionary War Battle of Kings Mountain During the Shelby Campbell controversy, discussed in my essay entitled "Campbells in the Revolution," the views of Colonel David Campbell (1753-1832) of Campbells Station were sought. Colonel David Campbell had participated in the Battle of Kings Mountain as a private in the Washington County, Virginia militia. David Campbells statement concerning the conduct of the commanding officer of the American forces, Colonel William Campbell (1745-1781), was subsequently included by Lyman C. Draper in his book Kings Mountain and Its Heroes (published 1881), on page 587, as follows: I saw Col. William Campbell on horseback at the time the battle commenced, riding along the lines, encouraging the men. When driven down the mountain, Major Edmondson endeavored to rally the men; but did not succeed, until Col. Campbell came along the lines, calling the men to "halt, and return, my brave fellows, and you will drive the enemy immediately;" and, it appeared, as soon as they heard his voice they halted, returned, renewed the attack, and drove the enemy along the mountain, from behind rocks, and their wagons, until Feruson was slain, and they surrendered. I saw Col. Campbell there, on foot, engaged in securing the prisoners. About this time, I observed Capt. DePeyster inquire for the commanding officer. Col. Campbell, who was but a little distance from him, was pointed out to him; he stepped forward, and delivered his sword. I was not more than twenty feet from DePeyster. |